Sunday, October 25, 2009

really2 sh0ck !!

why... ?
didnt expected dis thing 2 happen dat night...
why must dat night...
dat night supp0sed 2 be my 'realease tenti0n' night...
but at the end..
on da way back, my friend g0t an excident...
thank G0d there's n0thing really serious...
i'm stunned there watching him laying d0wn with all th0se bl00d on him..
i cant even blinked my eyes..cant even speak..just stay silence..(really2 shock)
with all the pe0ple wh0 st0p by to checking out wat is happen n all my other friend...
the ambulance n FINALLY the p0lice..
the situati0n kind of c0nfusing to me...(because it suddenly cr0wded..)
the thing dat i can only do dat m0ment is just pray to G0d...
d0nt let anything happen 2 my friend c0z the exam is just around da c0rner...
myb dis is s0mething dat G0d want us all 2 be realise dat n0t all da thing dat we have d0ne is right....
eventhough we all gr0wn up n act like we can think by ourself wat da right thing 2 do...its really n0t all of it actually right...
f0r me..i'm just really regretted c0s dat the only night i'm g0ing out without my m0m permissi0n...
fr0m my experience...whenever i d0 s0mething without my m0m's permissi0n..there must be s0mething bad happen...
fr0m n0w 0n..i w0nt g0 s0mewhere at night with0ut letting my m0m kn0w..
what ever it is...i'm just h0pping da best f0r him...
f0r him 2 get well s00n n can take the exam...
f0r me als0 dat experience mentally sh0ck and n0w feeling really unwell...
h0pely we all can take the exam in g00d c0nditi0n...and d0 the best in the exam...
d0nt let anything effected us !!!
fighting !!

(didnt tell my m0m until n0w...huhuu
tak0t kne mrh)

carrymark oh carrymark....


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Selamat Hari Lahir HK

Aku doakan semoga Allah selalu permudahkan segala urusan kau sayang..
diberikan kesihatan yang baik..
dilindungi daripada perkara2 yang tak baik..
diketemukan dengan orang yang baik2..

rapat tak semestinya bersama
sayang tak semestinya bersatu
harapnya cinta akan membawa kita ke syurga.
Aku hanya nak jadi yang terakhir.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

terkedu dan terpana....

sape x sedih kan...
tp nk wat cmne...

mmg pahit kalau kte tahu dr mulut org lain...
lbh2 lg dari kwn sendiri...
sahih atau tidak masakan p0kok akan berg0yang melainkan ade yg menggerakkannya...
ingat senang ke nk wat mcm xde pape...
org lain kte b0ley la tipu..
perasaan sndiri kte xleh tipu...
tp sampai bila..
xpela...biar la simpan dlm hati...
sampai bila kte nk sentiasa berharap...
penantian 2 sgt menyiksakan lebih2 lagi klau apa yang diharapkan langsung x menjadi kenyataan..
mungkin ada hikmah disebalik semua ni...
what g0es ar0und c0me ar0und..
d0a org teraniaya insyaAllah akan makbul..

sedih sgt tuhan je la tahu..
biar org ingat kte happy..
act like there's n0thing happen but da fact is hati ni da berkecai..
ssh tuk terima sesiapa skrg nih...
teruk sgt ke smpai org bley wat cmni..
paling teruk bila kt clas cm janggal sgt nk jmpe or even terserempak...
hurmm..nasib badan...
trying hard..really2 hard utk lupa kan semuanya...
try utk jd hati batu balik...
kenape ek..???
kenape2!!!! kenape...!!!!!!


rapat x semestinya bersama....
bercinta x semestinya bersatu...
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