Thursday, April 23, 2009

what type of m0vie did u like....

ermmm..0bvi0usly im s0 passi0nate b0ut harry p0tter....heheheeee
d0n't wanna talk b0ut 0ther film...
it bec0me m0re excited n0w....
the film n the drama (l0ve2 la kn..) that direct0r put int0 the film....
whta ever it is i really l0ve the acti0n n als0 the envir0ment that the direct0r created 2 make harry potter different fr0m other film....whats make it different???
of course la hogwarts....and all the seems real....heheheee..
1 thing i hate..why g0verment pe0ple always seems sucks...i mean fudge...he d0n't have his 0wn attitude n easy being twisted n using his p0wer n attitude 2 d0 s0mething n0t right by fear...
1st m0vie... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's St0ne....its quite funny actually if we watch the m0vie again c0z we can see harry and his friend still y0ung...heheee (c0mel gler...)
imagine n0w h0w the been gr0wing up s0 fast...(ada cinta2 lg....muka pn da lain...)
chamber of secrect seems a bit b0ring 4 me....
i d0nt kn0w why but i like the 3rd which is Harry Potter : The Prisoner of Azkaban
the 4th kind a sad.....(hands0me cedric g0t killed by 'you kn0w wh0')
but...all time fav0rite s0 far must be The Order of The Phoenix...heheee...
new insane n cruel ever teacher (fatty pr0f D0l0res..urgh!! hate her)
why d0 i like 4th m0vie of harry p0tter???
but unf0rtunately....Sirius Black dead...been killd by his 0wn c0usin (stupid Bellatrix!!!!!!!)
pe0ple wh0 watch it fr0m the 1st m0vie w0uld understand me...ngeeeeeeeeeeee
wacthing them gr0wing up fr0m 1st till n0w kind a funny..heheee
h0pe 2 see m0re....
really h0ping next m0vie w0uld be much2 acti0n n m0st imp0rtant less l0ve...

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