Friday, July 3, 2009


im supprisingly quite enj0y my R0S
myb because we r 2 c0mf0rtable being pampered by all teachers in my sch00l..hehehee
d0nt kn0w...myb they n0t really understand h0w R0S supposed 2 be...hehehee
and we as usual take advantage in this kind of situation by doing nothing.ngeee~~
and we sh0uld be grateful because sch00l is having their exam and guess what??? im d0nt have 2 relief a single clas at all...hahahaaa
soo000...snap2 picture la....hehee (rutin harian)
errrr... d0nt think dat im n0t d0ing anything at all ae....
i have 2 be assistant 2 the teacher that in charge in everything b0ut the exam (dats my uncle)...huhuuuu..i have 2 be da p0stman (is dat the right w0rd? i d0nt kn0w..hehee) by sending da question paper n also the testpad and anything dat being needed by any teacher.
im also help s0me teacher d0ing THEIR WORK ya...hehehe (cam tak ikhlas jerk) xdela..ikhlas walaupun banyak tp best.typing letter...koko thing...hack sch00l c0mp...hahahaaa (xdela...i kn0w their passw0rd)
s0 far...i quite happy with my R0s c0s everything are jz g0ing s0 well..(i guess..hehe)
what im enjoying much actually is dat i can freely go here and there and there no 0ne can st0p me..hahahaa..
n0t like while im as a student...have 2 play hide and seek with displined teacher.hahahaa
g0ing everywhere snap a picture...hehee
im actually kind a sad 2 leave my BELOVED sch00l..hahaa (bajet baek)
whatever it is...ha0pely my rep0rt are d0ing well as my R0S..hahahaaa (i bet its n0t)

(Sunday 31st May 2009, 8.30p.m)

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